Polygon X Accelchain: Web3 for the win

Table of Contents

The integration

Polygon has been a pioneer of helping developers build scalable dApps in web3 with security and reduced gas fees.

Through its solutions, thousands of dApps have been built and scaled. In fact big companies like Instagram, Stripe and Adidas are using Polygon to help create the web3 vision into reality.

Today we are glad to announce our integration with Polygon. 

Accelchain and Polygon share a common vision of empowering developers to build scalable dApps and applications for web3 at the lowest gas fees and highest level of security.

We are proud to say that we also believe in the very same pillars that Polygon does. 

What pillars do we enable and what do we do?

We help developers design, customize and deploy smart contracts at lightning speed through our smart contract design studio. 

We want to empower developers in the Polygon ecosystem to build scalable dApps by automating the development lifecycle.

Since security is top priority for us, we will soon be rolling out a functionality to perform automated security audits of smart contracts created using our platform.

Lastly, we also believe in optimisation and through our platform, we will help you reduce gas fees to the maximum. 

Want to check out our platform before it releases? Check it out 

The benefits of the integration in the web3 ecosystem

What if you had the ability to rapidly design and deploy your smart contracts to the chain you absolutely love within seconds at the lowest gas price. 

Sounds like a perfect scenario right?

We are excited to see what you guys build and can’t wait to marvel at your amazing creations. 

Want an early access to Accelchain before it’s launched? Request access here

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